Saturday, January 9, 2010

What to Expect...

This is really just me talking about books I have read. I try to read Young Adult books mostly, but for my monthly book club I also read adult books. The funny thing is that I often bring YA recommendations to the table, and we have taken on some of these kids books as our monthly selection. To me, as long as it is well written and interesting...all books are open to most readers. Now there are the occasionaly teen book that really should kept from the younger readers shelves.

Moving on...I have been an avid reader since about the 1st grade. When my best friend was moved to a higher reading level, I knew at that moment, that something needed to happen. So, I began reading, and reading, and reading, and it never stopped.

I LOVE book fairs, and find myself spending (much to my husbands dismay) lots of money on books, just because they are books. I have loved book fairs and book stores since the beginning, and shopping for books has become somewhat of an addiction. I now teach 8th grade English and can spend several hours a week talking about books with kids that for the most part seem interested.
Right now, I have about 15 books on my night stand. I am in the middle of three/four of them. Yes, my mind can work in the middle of that sort of chaos.

The bottom line. I love books. I read a lot.

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